5. Cool Rosie the Riveter DIY Costume The iconic Rosie the Riveter poster is still an inspiring role model for women today.This simple and modest costumegoes a long way. Find out how Alex put it together here. 6. Clever Peter Pan and His Shadow Couple Costume Looking for an original coup...
Top 21 Coolest Homemade 80s Movie Costumes for a Totally Rad Halloween
Any car-loving child of the '80s either owned, or had a friend who owned, a Countach poster on the wall. Why? Because the car epitomized cool. Its doors opened like no other vehicle's on the planet. In fact, this Lambo's true scissor door—which swings up on one plane, in contras...
This coolDIY couple costumetook a Calynn a few days to make, but was well worth the effort. Buzz’s jet pack was the most difficult part, but it turned out great with the help of cardboard poster board and a lot of patience while the paint was drying. 6. Cheap and Easy Catdog Co...