Um can u try to make things like this: ╔═╦╦╦╦═╗──── ║╬║║╠╣═╬═╦═╗ ║║║║║╠═║╬║║║ ╚╩╩╩╩╩═╩═╩╩╝ Where we type the word and it turns into that form? Answer MyCarty generatoris made to serve you for this. =) ...
Some of the coolest things are made by the biggest nerds. And when it comes to cool apps, we’d like to give a shoutout to all the tech nerds out there. ? Forget the “cool kids.” In the game of life, tech enthusiasts are the ones we want in our pre-game huddle, helping us ...
Look, I’ll get two things out of the way right away. The first is that LTUE isfun. Like, ridiculously fun. Even if you’re there flying solo, it’s a good time.Everyoneis there to talk about writing in some facet or another, from just starting out, to being stuck in a death s...
I was wondering if there was a way to make an "eye" -- the eyelid, eyeball maybe with a capital "I" in the middle. Answer No, strangely, I must say there's none. Only things like that are ◎⊙ and ◍ Question ...
Wax paper is wonderful stuff. Even though plastic wrap is more popular these days, there are many things wax paper just does better. Read on for 5 things to do with wax paper.
However, even if you use Outlook every day, you might not know some of the cool things it can do to help you be more productive. Did you forget to attach a file? Outlook can't remind you about a task you never entered or an appointment you forgot to write down...
I mean it's my blog and I can write about what I want, right?Put another way, I'm making a list of those things I miss when I'm stuck using a previous version of Office.I'm going to start with something that I've recently found to be a timesaver when creating more formal, ...
There are neat things for those who are handy, those who love to travel or head outdoors. Whether you are shopping for your Grandpa, Dad, husband, or other men in your life, there are cool gifts for Dad or unique gifts for husband or romantic gifts for him on our list, in 2024 and...
Finance6 months ago The Advantages of Digital Current Accounts in Today’s Banking World ByPatricia Walter General9 months ago Holding Liable in Slip and Fall Accidents Involving Children ByPatricia Walter Finance1 year ago Nine Effortless Ways to Save Money Every Day ...
things to consider when browsing the best tech gadgets for students is your budget. this will help you narrow down your options and figure out which devices are within your price range. think about your needs and goals in addition to considering your budget, it's also important to think ...