50 Cool Things to 3D Print for February 2025 byAnatol Locker Updated Feb 1, 2025 Bored of pointless 3D printer projects? Out of 3D printing ideas? Check out our list of 50 cool things to 3D print that are actually useful. Advertisement...
More Cool Things About 3D Printing Share Your 3D Printer Projects With the World 3DBenchy The 3DBenchy appears to be nothing more than an adorable plastic boat, but it’s more than that. This little guy was designed specifically to test the limits of your machine and calibrate it to operate...
Get the File to Print: Thingiverse 7. Kikoru Shinomiya’s Axe What are the cool things to make on a 3D printer? Kikoru Shinomiya’s axe from Kaiju No.8! The original giant axe is 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide, but you can download a split version with each piece being around 9 in...
3D printing is the new cool. With some plastic materials and a 3D printer, anyone can create virtually anything he or she chooses. But with so much ability to create, comes some mental stagnation in choosing the items to print which will end up being useful to you or anyone you offer th...
3D Printer Says Open IP to Make Cool ThingsTom EmrichEditorinChiefDesigners of Things
available out there we understand that things can get a bit confusing. As pointed out in detail onPick 3D Printer, the areas, where 3D printing can be useful, are vast. So before even selecting your first 3D printer, one should ask themselves the question; “What do I want to ...
No matter who you are, it’s pretty much impossible to say that technology hasn’t affected your life in some way, shape, or form. Whether it’s the smartphone in your pocket, the screen on which you’re reading this, or even smart devices in your home that control things like your ...
Similarly, it is impossible forTWeditors to identify and select all the unique, eye catching and “cool” things on display at the show. But what follows is a slice of some of the interesting technologies displayed during ITMA 2023 from across the exhibit sectors and p...
3D printing technology and patents are not new. The history of the industry traces back to 1984 when Charles W. Hull first put in a patent application forstereolithography. Later that same decade, things advanced even further when S. Scott Crump, who was working for Stratasys at the time, ...
The best thing about 3D printing is that it has no limit. It allows you to create things you never thought would be possible to create some 10 years ago. Now, 3D printing has infiltrated in many sectors of our life and industry. And one of the best things is that DIY-ers can truly...