Snippets allow you to create commonly used data structures very quickly. Commands Commands allow you to quickly interact with Home Assistant! Find them using Cmd+shift+P and type 'Home Assistant' Render templates Evaluate jinja templates via Home Assistant's API and see how they would render. ...
We already took you on a journey to explore an amazing galaxy of games in this year’s Summer Sale. Now, let’s see what you can do with all those freshly purchased games inGOG GALAXY 2.0! Here’s a list of cool things you can do while using the app that might have escaped your ...
Hub is a command line Git wrapper that gives you extra features and commands that make working with GitHub easier. This allows you to do things like: $ hub clone tiimgreen/toc Check out some more cool commands Hub has to offer. Contribution Guidelines GitHub supports adding 3 different files...
but for cmd.exe, I do this. Right-click on My Computer|Properties. Then from the Advanced Tab, click Environment Variables, then add a new User Variable called PROMPT and set it to$p$_$+$g. This came originally fromCraig Andera, who got it fromShawn Van Ness.Sahil ...
When it comes to time to do the synchronization, even with about 3000 customer records already in the database the database synchronizes in under a minute on broadband.A useful part of the Office Live integration is that it allows the use of Windows Live ID to provid...
I can get my health back. As I have always told all of you, with hard work and patience, you will reach your goals. You don't have to cheat, lie or betray to get what you want. Just work hard. All the years of this really took there toll on my mind and body. The good .....
1. We enable the “Process Creation” subcategory of “Detailed Tracking” category with: Auditpol.exe /set /subcategory:"process creation" /success:enable 2. We let things cruise for a few days with the user cranking away on his system.3. We connect to the machine with EVENTVWR.EXE ...
The Command Prompt window can be unexciting with the default black background and light gray text color. But Windows does allow you tochange these colorsto suit yourself and make things a bit more intriguing. Launch CMDandRight-click on the title bar ...
“batch” is adapted from batch processing – which means non-interactive execution. With batch files in Windows, users can simplify repetitive or routine tasks. When users type the file name at the command prompt, cmd.exe runs the commands sequentially, as they appear in the file. Some ...
Windows + R >typecmd,holdCtrl + Shift,hitEnter. This is one complex chain of commands. But if you manage to do it right, you'll have instantAdministrator access to the command prompt. This shortcut stopped working with the Windows 10 Creators Update, but is working again if you're on...