Well, those were 12 cool things you can do with ChatGPT. Now, there’s only so much you can do with the free ChatGPT 3.5 version. Upgrading to ChatGPT Plus not only gives you access to a more advanced ChatGPT 4.0, but also allows you to use these fun plugins. Using these plugins,...
Let's look at some of the amazing things we can do with JavaScript. 1. Website animations Have you ever visited a website and been astounded by the number of interactive elements that whizz around the page and react to your interactions?
PagerDuty has a great API. Tools that use the API let you extend and customize your PagerDuty experience and respond to incidents more efficiently.
You can check out some musing on myblog. It doesn’t get updated nearly as much as I’d like it to, because I’m usually busy doing things rather than writing about them! I’m based here in Auckland, New Zealand, and enjoy hearing from people around the world....
Python in 2024: Faster, more powerful, and more popular than ever Dec 25, 20244 mins how-to 4 key concepts for Rust beginners Dec 18, 20246 mins analysis The Python AI library hack that didn’t hack Python Dec 13, 20242 mins analysis ...
There are a lot of strategies that can help to avoid it being total hell indoors in this hot weather. We've had many threads about Air Con and Air Coolers but these things are not widely used in the UK and it's too late to contemplate AC because they've all been sold! There are ...
Optimized for quick lookup performance by reading the entire file into memory on initialization. Maps ranges of MAC addresses to manufacturers and comments (descriptions). Contains full support for netmasks and other strange things in the database. ...
The secret is that the JITs can notice things during runtime that the basic compilers couldn’t because they can watch the program run. The biggest name may be Emscripten, a modded version of LLVM that is rewired to spit out instructions for asm.js instead of machine code. The secret is...
If you use an assignment expression, you can simplify this loop further:Python inputs = list() while (current := input("Write something: ")) != "quit": inputs.append(current) This moves the test back to the while line, where it should be. However, there are now several things ...
drop python 3.7 and 3.8, hello 3.12 and 3.13! Previous releases New in 3.1 series A very cool update here! In addition to polishing things up and improving terminal support, nowalive-progresssupports resuming computations! When processing huge datasets or things that take a long time, you might...