You can even combine different sword design ideas into one project. It was what one maker did when working with sword STL files of two models. And because the hilt was too large to print entirely on a 3D printer’s heat bed, the Zelda fan broke it down into several parts and glued th...
People who firmly believe in the adage “the pen is mightier than the sword” now have something to back it up. We know that in sketchy situations the humble writing instrument can be a deadly weapon in the hands of an expert. Fortunately, for the rest of us, the TF TAKEFLIGHT tactica...
Umbrellas for the Civil but Discontent Man combines a symbol of gentlemanly refinement – the full-sized, dark umbrella – with an element of more manly sword-bearing times. The umbrellas offer brief psychological respite from the dictates of social amiability; aggressive fantasies are allowed and ...
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Likewise, you could have it invigorate the user, buffing their Attack for a couple turns, encouraging default attacks or the sword skill. If improving other options isn't a strong enough incentive, you could do the opposite, where you debuff the user's fire rate, making repeated uses of ...
Of course, tribes like the church are perfectly free to universalise their teachings and go out with a sword to conquer if they so choose. That is what a lot of red channels have traditionally done for centuries. But this is what caused the Enlightenment tribe to form in the first place...