- Python files: - calc_spect.pyx - f_init.pyx - field_init.py - lattice.py - main_program.py - misc_functions.py - procedures.py - setup.py - solvers.py - spectrum.py - symp_integrator.py - CUDA and template files: - gpu_3dconv.cu - kernel_gws.cu - kernel_gws_new.cu - ...
python -m llava.serve.model_worker --host --controller http://localhost:10000 --port 40000 --worker http://localhost:40000 --model-path ./checkpoints/LLaVA-13B-v0 --multi-modal Wait until the process finishes loading the model and you see "Uvicorn running on ...". ...
蓝色方框中的Base interpreter用来配置Python解释器,如果PyCharm没有自动添加,那么需要手动地配置Python解释器的绝对路径。继续勾选Base interpreter下方的Make available to all projects,然后点击右下方的OK按钮,PyCharm会自动创建Python的虚拟环境。创建成功以后,会出现下图所示的窗口: 最后在所有出现的窗口中点击OK按钮,操...
python 流处理框架 python流数据 什么是流?(文件流/字节流/字符流) 1. 流,简单来说就是建立在面向对象基础上的一种抽象的处理数据的工具。在流中,定义了一些处理数据的基本操作,如读取数据,写入数据等,程序员是对流进行所有操作的,而不用关心流的另一头数据的真正流向。流不但可以处理文件,还可以处理动态内存...
sudo apt install make gcc g++ flex bison libncurses-devlibssl-devsudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python 磁盘空间 使用fdisk工具交互式操作以TF卡中的剩余空间建立一个新分区: sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk2 以Ext-4格式化该分区: sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk2p3 ...
3.设置虚拟运行环境 打开test.sublime-project,添加setting项,如下: {"folders": [ {"path":"D:\\Work\\Projects\\flasky"} ] ,"setting": {"python_interpreter":"$venv/Scripts/python"} } 保存即可。
Scratch 1.4 : beginner's guide : learn to program while creating interactive stories, games, and multimedia projects using Scratch This is a Packt Beginners Guide, which means it focuses on practical examples and has a friendly approach, with the opportunity to learn by experiment and play. We...
Create your own Arduino-based designs, gain in-depth knowledge of the architecture of Arduino, and learn the user-friendly Arduino language all in the context of practical projects that you can build yourself at home. Get hands-on experience using a vari
Python supports developing games. ItsPygamelibrary is highly useful. It supports art, music, sound, video, and multimedia projects to be built with it. You can even make cross-platform games usingKivy, which runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. ...