Geeky Valentine’s Day Card – Red Pixel Heart If your favorite geek is also swept up in the whole Zombie fandom from The Walking Dead to old cult Zombie movies then you may find a great selection of cards to choose from onZombie Valentine’s Day cards, personally I think there’s a ...
DesignPixel art ideas from the retro style that’s stirring up contemporary design MarketingTikTok trends February 2025—what’s trending on TikTok this week? MarketingHow to find trending audio on Instagram—Instagram Reels trends for February 2025 ...
Go withSublime Text. If your pixel polishing is lacking spend some time onDribbbleandBehance. Whatever you do, don’t get trapped in your own little design bubble—push your own limits and you’ll be amazed at how quickly your skills improve! Which leads us to… Challenge Yourself When Oth...
Particle Text is a canvas pixel manipulation that uses typed arrays. The particles react to your cursor’s movements. Speed Test: GSAP, Motion One, Anime, CSS Transitions (Zepto), WAAPI By GreenSock It’s surprising how fast JavaScript objects can animate. Sometimes they’re even faster than...
As a designer, am I comfortable bypassing Photoshop and letting CSS run the pixel rodeo? After a few initial tests, the answer to both of those questions was a very solid “yes”. A solid “friggin’ right” if in Cape Breton.Create a Beautiful Looking Custom Dialog Box With jQuery and... Build your own illustrations - very gradient/faceless illo heavy free customizable illustrations for your next project 24 high-quality Covid illustrations. https://www.pixel...
pixel-perfect illustrations picture placeholders 5 interactive PPT files 11. Organic Life Animated PowerPoint Slides Trying to create an organic life interactive PPT? Check out this template with green animated PowerPoint backgrounds. Animated PowerPoint templates like this one are ideal for ecological an...
Two shadows are used here, each of them moved 1 pixel along the x-y axis in opposite directions. The Background and the Text have the same Grey(#CCCCCC) Color. The Dark Grey(#666666) colored shadow is moved to the top left corner. ...
Once I had had the smoothed out shape, I made it a selection and created a new layer called “Die-Cut” and gave the selection a 2-pixel stroke to indicate the cut line. (I also deleted the original filled-shape layer, as I no longer needed it) ...
Make every background image its own separate image and reference them as such in the CSS.When you are reasonably sure the design is "done,"…August 12, 2010 Holy Sprites Lots of folks joined in on the fun with the Show Off Your Sprites! contest. I used the ol' random number generator...