60+ Amazing Words You've Never Heard Of Popular English Words Coined by Fiction Writers Funny Slang Words and Vocab in American and British English Words of Greek Origin: How Greek Words Became English Words
Restrictions to this open-access model will only apply if standard approaches to guarantee anonymity (removal of names and other personal identifiers) cannot guarantee anonymity (i.e. if triangulations of data from several data sources can reveal identities). While the data will be openly accessible...
Parties Cool on Labour Call to Shun Sharing the Hustings with BNP; Labour AM Believes It Brings Group into Political MainstreamByline: David WilliamsonWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen in “Undead (A Zombie Oriented Ontology)”, suggests that “Un-dead names the zone of restless and perplexing activity from which monsters arrive, a gap in the fabric of the known world that opens a space neither real nor chimerical, a breach in which everything ...
French: a political spy who provokes people to perform an illegal action that will lead to their arrest. agio The fee charged by money brokers for exchanging one foreign currency for another. aglet The covering at the end of a shoelace. agnosthesia The state of not knowing how you really ...
The song came to America in 1984, but onlyafter a handful of changes were made. The annoying background voice in the intro was dropped, the band’s name was shortened to just Icicle Works, and most importantly, we made them flip the names in the title, so the song in the US was no...
Often it did, often it didn’t, but what was interesting to me was the posture of the Americans I knew, who did not feel comfortable encouraging foreigners to adopt local names. So is our future a world of states or nation-states? I’m not sure what the future holds or even what I...
The artists represented in the show are, in alphabetical order (names will be linked to their Instagram accounts): Juan Pablo Cardona (also here) Hugo Cartas Scott Davis Jorge Diaz Gloria Frausto Memo Hojas Guillermo Meda Santy Mito Lulu Puig Arlette Ramos Felipe Chito Tenorio The show opened ...
Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.詹姆斯.斯科特先生在锡尔伯里有一个汽车修理部,现在他刚在平赫斯特买了另一个汽车修理部。平赫特离锡尔伯里只有5英里,但詹姆斯....