Host: oh please, kids are watching, what a bad influence. T-rex: Oh sorry. Othnielia: Where is it? Where is it? Spinosaurus: Where's what? Othnielia: THE PLANTS! Host: Somewhere. Now leave you are interrupting the fi- Othnielia: Look, Smarty, I need MY PLANTS!!! T-...
Well, it depends on what you mean by grammar school. As far as I know, there are no schools around here that focus only on grammar. There are places were kids can go to learn about specific things, but this isn't school. On the other hand,in private and Catholic schools, Grades 1...
well i've read all the comments and it appears that all of you are good!But ...BRAD tkaes the cake he is really good i just know alittle bit of things...wel nice to know that somekids are experts..well see ys! fromjonathan.R,age 13,vancouver, b.c., canada; July 23, 2000 ...
I spend so much time here because "chatting" with you is so much better than being with the kids I normally see every day. from da masta, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 16, 2001 "By kicking I meant like kicking with just one leg while gripping with the jaws. I really can't imagine...
Kids love those. If you w! ant to know what 3-6 year olds find so great about dinosaurs, just go to the vote for your favourite dinosaur section of and read what people that age write in. from Brad, age 13, Woodville, ON, Canada; May 22, 2000 ...
This is a good question okay do dinosaours ever eat real food like my soul food or something real [chiken] [fries] i mean something real okay canone of you kids come on to the board and type me a note me can get to know each outher on here w/b from sam d, age 13, wilm, ...
I am losing everything today. First, the games me and my sister play, then, I find out my uncle Oogie's hypothysis about when the Nye vacation would end was wrong, then, I learn the Kidslab company died, what is next? The Smithsonian? Since the leaving of Honkie and Macdraw, no ...
So I don't think it would have a problem with killing a person. It could have probaly feed kids to the babies at it's nest.(killing the kid first) from T-man, age ?, ?, ?, ?; July 9, 2001 The spinosaurus didn't just eat fish. Scientists say that it fed on a Iguanadon-...
This is a chat room, where any one can write in about anything - I just put the comments online. We don't answers people's questions here, other kids do. We have aQuestion and Answer page in which I answer questions. JC How many dinosaurs where there in New Zealnd and were they ...
Has anyone ever read DINOVERSE? Seeing how its one of about five dinosaur novels in the world*, I would hope somebody else has it. Basically the minds of some kids get transported into the bodies of dinosaurs, which is kind of cool. ...