Congrats! Unfortunately the citizens have some pretty big demands: jobs, a theme park, a couple of cheese factories and maybe even a radio tower. A tough proposition since the city currently consists of a wheat field, a bakery and a single die. Armed only with your trusty die and a ...
INVERCARGILL, New Zealand-A 4-year-old boy in New Zealand who made an emergency call asking for police to come over and see his toys was surprised by a visit from an officer who confirmed that his toys are, in fact, pretty cool. The callwas released on Oct. 15 by the Southern Pol...
It was better in many ways than I’d anticipated, the body looked amazingly rust free, although it sports what has to be one of the worst home-grown paint jobs I’ve ever seen. The color, brindle brown and tan, is the best part of it, and even that is awful. Whoever did it went...
Content with that answer I merrily trotted off and carried on doing the things five year olds do. Dad says I did not mention it again for years. I don’t look like my Mum, Dad or younger brother. They are tanned and dark, products of generations of English agricultural labourers on ...
I have two 20-year-olds in my house who were still sophomores in high school when I was working on this book. The University of Georgia started sending them recruiting materials, and right there at the top, right under “Go to a football game at Sanford Stadium!” was “Stroll through ...
Stories abound of lost Russian soldiers begging for gas and food. 17 18, 19 year olds. Hungry Russian soldiers ask Ukrainians for food… Putin is being humiliated on the world stage whilst he sends young Russians to slaughter…#Ukraine ...
Microsoft surveyed 1,000 18-to-25-year-olds about job searching. The survey revealed that 22 percent who interviewed via Skype dressed up their upper bodies and went more casual below — with 3 percent dispensing with their pants. Regarding resumes, 25 percent of those surveyed thought a “pl...