Cool it Down 表演者: Yeah Yeah Yeahs 流派: 摇滚专辑类型: 专辑介质: CD 发行时间: 2022-09-30 出版者: Secretly Canadian 唱片数: 1 条形码: 0656605047089 豆瓣评分 7.6 928人评价 5星 17.0% 4星 50.8% 3星 29.5% 2星 2.5% 1星 0.1%
快评:Yeah Yeah Yeahs在自己这张最新的摇滚专辑中加入了合成器和电子舞曲的元素。取代了传统的电吉他的位置,合成器的音色几乎贯穿整张专辑。强力的打击乐(并不是来自于架子鼓)组成了稳定的背景,衬托着Karen O那富有攻击性的声音。这是一张反思环境污染并对世界末日做出预言性警示的概念专辑,不长,甚至有些短小。尽...
专辑名:Cool It Down 歌手:Yeah Yeah Yeahs 发行时间:2022-09-30 简介: <Cool It Down> - 歌曲列表 全部播放播放全选 01Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Spitting Off the Edge of the World 02Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Lovebomb 03Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Wolf 04Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fleez ...
skip to main content albums cool it down yeah yeah yeahs 2022 7.4 by phillipe roberts genre: rock label: secretly canadian reviewed: september 29, 2022 the trio’s first album in nine years ushers in a patient new era for the band, gracefully shedding the electrifying hunger of its early ...
#晒胶# Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cool It Down 原本是非常期待的一张新专辑,feat Perfume Genius 的首单释出之时就觉得非常惊艳,和以往风格完全不同,更加成熟多变的 yeah yeah yeahs 似乎已经踏上神坛半步。可惜,...
【新音乐快评】Cool It Down-Yeah Yeah Yeahs1 赞同 · 4 评论文章
Cool It Down is certainly an apt title for Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ fifth studio album. There’s a real sense of a band comfortable within their own skin, and unlike some of their peers, this isn’t a futile attempt to rekindle or recreate the swaggering insouciance and frenetic energy of their...
It could only be called alchemy, the transformative magic that happens during the Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ most tuned-in moments in the studio, when their unique chemistry sparks opens a portal, and out comes a song like “Maps” or “Zero” or the latest addition to their canon, “Spitting off...
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs don’t let that sense of troubled urgency pull them under; the final two tracks ofCool It Down’seight feel like a resolution to keep pushing against the current. “Different Today” ponders how the world “keeps on spinnin’/It goes spinnin’ out of control,” but...
Yeah Yeah Yeahs singer Karen O will give in to her urges, so long as she’s onstage. After a nine-year hiatus, Karen O and her bandmates, Nick Zinner and Brian Chase, return with “Cool It Down,” spurred by another sense of crisis.