if it doesn’t work out, it’s fine to just dump your bunny in the park or by the side of the road (it is NOT fine—rabbits live only 1-2 years in the wild, as opposed to 7-10 years in a good home. Dumping your house rabbit into the wilderness condemns them to die of starv...
Raskullz Helmets are the first helmets that a child will WANT to wear, and parents will be happy to know they pass all CPSC and ASTM safety requirements! While other helmet companies use flat printed graphics, Raskullz Helmets are the first ever to use full 3D technology to catch the child...
With the expandable space,the helmet bag can hold many kinds of motorcycle helmets, full-face helmets, off-road helmets and more. Easy to Use DIY Model---Picture & GIF It is so much fun! You can change the screens/eyes to whatever you want using your phone . The app has some prepro...
Daley made a short run of 40 helmets which completely sold out in a mere matter of minutes. Now, Daley decided to make his STL models available for anyone to download from the 3D object repository,MyMiniFactory.com. Fans are allowed to remodel the helmet and even sell prints of the desig...
Hit takers: The cutting-edge engineering making football helmets safer than ever 3D printing lets hospitals make ventilator substitutes with common equipment 3D-printed ventilator valves help out Italian hospital rocked by coronavirus 3D-printing technique produces tiny, highly detailed objects in seconds ...
Fighting football injuries with 3D-printed, hyper-personalized pads Here’s what a trend-analyzing A.I. thinks will be the next big thing in tech Hit takers: The cutting-edge engineering making football helmets safer than ever Foodini, on the other hand, can actually make a pie that doesn’...
The best 3D printers under $500 Hit takers: The cutting-edge engineering making football helmets safer than ever The future of making stuff: Inside the evolution of 3D printing with Formlabs When 3D printing went mainstream in the mid-2010s and exploded in popularity, it was about as hyped ...
Football helmets aren’t what they once were. And, while most of the time that turn of phrase is used to describe how things used to be better in the good old days, in this case, it’s certainly not. Read more News Ceramic ink could let doctors 3D print bones directly into a p...
Hit takers: The cutting-edge engineering making football helmets safer than ever As people grow more concerned about the impacts of the meat industry both on the environment and the animals involved, fake meats have experienced a boom in popularity. Products like Beyond Burger and Impossible Pork,...
The Bricasso printer is constructed completely out of LEGO parts and prints in LEGO bricks. The machine uses an EV3 color sensor to scan the source image and saves the data to the Mindstorms unit which is then used to print multiple copies of the image d