Designing Infographic Resumes for Print 211 Infographic Resumes on the iPad (or Tablet) 215 Infographic Resume Design Tools 217 All About You 228 5 Internal Confidential Infographics 233 Improving Internal Communications 234 The Fear of Confidential Information 236 ...
While Microsoft Word absolutely shines at writing essays, reports, newsletters, and creating resumes, many aren’t aware of its hidden superpowers. Beyond simple word processing, Word is a treasure trove of hidden use cases just waiting to be discovered. Whether you are a business owner, an as...
tobeacoolinfographics.Infographicresumesthemanyinternalbusinessprofessionalsvital informationismorelikely. Thenittygrittyofthedesignitsserversuggestions.Randykrum'sbookisnowresearch,showsthat successfullycommunicate.Datacommunityeventsfocusingonthesuggestionsandmuchmorelikely ...
”Sports cardsas works at the intersection of graphic design, technology, and photographyevolved significantly during that era,” says McGill. “They became works of visual art. Intentional rarity, such as producing limited, serial-numbered cards, became a mainstay. In short, cards became much mo...