Cool facts for kids started out as a project for me to teach my daughter about web design and writing. She has a huge passion for interesting and fun facts and was excited to share them with other kids. At the time I am writing this, my daughter lays down in her bed too excited to...
They didn't get the facts WRONG, they never set out to get them right. from da masta, age ?, ?, ?, ?; January 16, 2002 I just saw Jurassic Park 3 gain for the third time. It wasn't as bad as you might think. I just didn't like the fact that T-rex died and that ...
When they walk, the legs seem to move fast even when the body is moving slowly. It would be funny if dinosaurs walked like birds, but it might have been possible. The cool think about seagulls is in the neck. It is normally held in an s-curve shape, but when the gull 'roars' the...
Remember da masta, when I wrote down the length of Giganotosaurus, I also stated that if the length is true, and as of now the largest specimen we have of Giganotosaurus is I believe 43 or 47 ft lng. As of now, that is what the books and facts say, so this is the reason why...
Why don't we talk more about how they survived for so long, how they hunted, or how they could move there 30 ton bodies. Remember, we need facts, what those paleontologist bring back from the bones they find is to teach us about how dinosaurs lived and dominated the world for such al...
But even though Jurassic Park is science-fiction I still think that they should at least stick to some facts. Besides the first two movies would have been better if they sticked closer to the books. Cause the books were better than the movies. A lot better. from Scott, age 14, Columbia...
I just got home, D.G. I was at the library getting some dinosaur books! I found a really good one, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs by David Norman. It has lots of facts in it. fromBrad,age 13,Woodville, ON, Canada; May 12, 2000 ...
BBD, no, we do not know that Giganotosaurus had bigger arms for the simple fact he didn't. Are you making up your own facts to smoke us as we go along? Not the honourable thing to do. Anyway, everybody, this is an extract from a articale about Giganotosaurus to really end this...
Facts: Kurt Angle is a multiple time natioanal amamturer champ and 1996 HEAVYWEIGHT OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST IN FREESTYLE WRESTLING. Can you people not understand that accomplishment? Wrestling is the acknowleged supreme art in hand to hand combat. This should also be known by anyone that knows ...