though there are plenty of frog species that fit this description as well. Generally, frogs are sleeker with moist skin and longer legs than toads. Toads tend to have toxic secretions, but so do poison dart frogs. Frogs tend to hop, while toads usually...
I would lay claim to the statement that photography now, and historically, has never really been about truth. It is barely about facts. To define some terms before we go farther – there is a great deal of confusion about the difference between truth and facts. The use of the Boolean bin...
Cool facts for kids started out as a project for me to teach my daughter about web design and writing. She has a huge passion for interesting and fun facts and was excited to share them with other kids. At the time I am writing this, my daughter lays down in her bed too excited to...
We are sort of feeling bad about all the potato chip bags we go through. Footnotes from the Most Fascinating Museums, Bob Eckstein. Each entry includes a short list of facts about the museum, charming illustrations, and a few personal reflections from museum goers/employees (this is the best...
Footnotes from the Most Fascinating Museums, Bob Eckstein.Each entry includes a short list of facts about the museum, charming illustrations, and a few personal reflections from museum goers/employees (this is the best part!).I was happy to see one of my favorite, NAY, perhaps my favorite ...
Killer bees, or Africanized bees, are aggressive insects that have been known to chase a person or an animal up to a quarter of a mile. The following facts demonstrate the fierce quality of these bees that continue to move ever northward and to both fascinate and alarm people. ...
AlligatorQuick Facts: Crocodiles belong to the reptile family. They have more pointed snouts thanalligators, and their top and bottom jaw are the same size. Crocodiles live in warm,tropical climates. They eat fish,frogs, birds, reptiles, and even large animals likehipposand buffalo. ...
Frequently Asked Questions About Snakes What do snakes eat? Snakes eat all living creatures, which means that they are carnivorous animals. What they eat depends on the kind of snake they are, and how big or small they are. Most commonly, snakes eat small animals like mice, frogs, birds,...
Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts 1. Animals. What type of animal is a Black Racer? Answer: Snake The Eastern Racers are a species of snakes found in North and Central America. The Northern Black Racer (Coluber constrictor constrictor) is one of the eleven sub-species and this non-venomous ...
Quotes from songs:Some familiar songs or facts about your favorite music reflect your personality and give an unexpectedly good touch to your biography. Life sentences:Excerpts from popular people with moral lessons. Quotes from history:a literary quote from a character that is representative of you...