Emoji Shadows https://codepen.io/dienhn/pen/xxErveM Neuomorphism Generator https://neumorphism.io/#f3d2c3 primer on skeuo vs flat vs neuomorphism https://uxdesign.cc/tridimensionality-of-skeuomorphism-flat-design-and-neumorphism-bc9d705a5cc7border...
- Designed home screen and lock screen theme backgrounds in pairs - All iPhone & iPod touch models supported - Categories including Calendar, Holidays, Bling, Romantic, Texture, Cool, and many more - Fully new iOS style interface - Unlimited wallpaper savings ...
Add amazing texture to your photos fast and easy! Simplicity unlike any other app, quickly add texture to your images, save and share your new creations. Crea…
const imgUrl = 'https://s5.ssl.qhres.com/static/ec9f373a383d7664.svg' const {Scene, Sprite} = spritejs; const container = document.getElementById('container'); const paper = new Scene({ container, width: 400, height: 400, }) const sprite = new Sprite(imgUrl) sprite.attr...
- Categories including Calendar, Holidays, Bling, Romantic, Texture, Cool, and many more - Fully new iOS style interface - Unlimited wallpaper savings - Share your loved themes by Facebook, Twitter and email How to use these theme backgrounds? 1. Browse for your loved theme backgrounds. 2....