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For over a year, the Bronx has been plagued by sudden disappearances that no one can explain. Sixteen-year-old Raquel does her best to ignore it. After all, the police only look for the white kids. But when her crush Charlize’s cousin goes missing, Raquel starts to pay attention—espec...
This image is all about decoration concept for the 31st October with its chalkboard trick or treat message with a nice sparkly bokeh effect in the background.DownloadChildren Black Orange Witch CostumeA royalty free stock photo of kids playing in a park dressed up in witch costumes and holding...
Cool Kids Cool Kids音乐:Echosmith - Cool Kids (our version) First, let’s get to know the band members and their background.Echosmithis an American pop band from Los Angeles, founded in February 2009. The band was originally formed by four siblings,Graham, Sydn...
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Forget the “cool kids.” In the game of life, tech enthusiasts are the ones we want in our pre-game huddle, helping us figure out the best way to get that goal. In fact, we’d start a cheer squad just to root for tech developers. “1-2-3-4, you make apps, and we want mor...