*?.。*因为 +5 分享3赞 绝地求生吧 清心败火丸 简单列出一下绝地里的英文翻译,方便跟歪果仁沟通()武器类 handgun 手枪 shotgun 霰弹 smg submachinegun 微型冲锋枪 rifle 步枪 sniper rifle 狙击步枪 machine gun 机枪 crossbow 十字弩 frag 手雷 flash 闪光 smoke 烟雾 瞄准镜类 holographic sight 全息瞄准镜 ...
With the Feds have finger printed each Tax Preparer’s computer and spreading around all of that information I think they will soon determine all of those individuals who don’t file taxes electronically or otherwise and figure out their location and PII data with ease… cough illegal aliens and...
I built the Fore Grip Walls with brown LEGO pieces instead of red to mimic the wood used in many AK-74s.The magazine uses a rubber band looped around a pivot to provide a spring force to keep 1x4 LEGO "bullets" ready to feed into the gun. The key is to stack the LEGO bullets so...