job. You should take it seriously while your doing it, but you need to do other things in your day. I bake, run, work on things around the house, and volunteer more of my time with my Search and Rescue team. These keep me sane, let me use my skills, and also give me downtime...
When ‘we’ grew up, there was no family anywhere near. No cousins, No grandparents, No silly uncles or sweet aunts. It was just Us. The five. We found people and learned to look for them, who would wrap their arms around us when we needed comforting and open the door to us when...
Young adults are also at greater risk for experiencing unintended weight gain as the transition between high school and college presents many opportunities for lifestyle changes [6,7]. On average, young adults attending college gain 0.7 kg (1.6 lbs.) to 4.0 kg (8.8 lbs.) during their first...
The topic of food is highly relevant to the UN sustainable development agenda. The agenda particularly challenges cities to take on more responsibilities and to initiate processes that change unsustainable food practices. The recent emergence of urban fo