To note only a few excellent omelet fillings, a single might pick: diced baked turkey or perhaps chicken, marauded baked pork,smoked salmon, crab meat, baked shrimp, crumbled baked moolah, proscuitto,asparagus, chives, shredded cheddar, Europe or perhaps jack port cheese, bell peppers,spinach, ...
Start cooking giblets on the stove top right after putting the turkey in the oven. To make giblet gravy, place the defrosted giblets in a 2 quart saucepan, cover them with water, bring to a boil, and then simmer for 2 to 2-1/2 and hours. Use the water from the simmering giblets a...
Sauerkraut is also used as a bed and between layers of stuffed cabbage, and we bake the fist sized delights covered in the oven or in an electric roaster or crock pot. Having a large family of cousins, the recipies were always compared in “secret”, and the wealthier family members ...
Boston’s weather these past couple of weeks has deliciously hinted that warm spring days are imminent. Some days the temperature has risen into the low 70Fs bringing everyone out in t-shirts and shorts playing tennis or going for bike rides. But with overnight temperatures suddenly dropping to...