Free cooking Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Original and artistic cooking-design background. Desiugned with creative picture placeholders.
Do not know how to cook? Try to create a food cooking infographic with detailed food cooking steps on it. Here provides a free and editable food cooking infographic template for you. Just download it and replace the contents with your own. ...
If words like “impossibly easy” are music to your ears, you’re going to love these recipes. Try one tonight! Slow-Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup (93) Stuffed Spaghetti Squash with Sausage and Spinach (9) Impossibly Easy Roasted Peppers and Feta Cheese Pie ...
该模板非常适合烹饪学校、烹饪工作坊或任何提供烹饪相关课程的人使用。由于其用户友好的PSD格式和可编辑的颜色,个性化变得非常简单。您可以轻松修改内容,调整颜色方案以与您的品牌保持一致,并添加独特的细节,使其成为您自己的作品。 无论您是推广烘焙课程、美食烹饪工作坊还是由厨师引导的示范活动,该传单模板旨在给人留...