The classes are affordable, and you’ll be amazed at the quality of the meal you can produce, even with limited experience. Overall, this was the perfect course for me. I learned to cook only the dishes I love, had a dedicated tutor to guide me...
The sous-chef (the chef in charge of the kitchen, the #2 guy, not the planning/oversight chef), smiled reassuringly at my mommy surrogate, gently pried my hand from her arm, showed me the locker room where I could stash my raincoat and pink My Little Pony lunch box (okay, I’m g...
As shown in Figure 8, there are 11 classes in this dataset including sprout, beef, chicken, egg, pork, garlic, onion, kimchi, onion, potato, and spam. The training process is performed using Python on Jupyter. In the recognition stage, the constructed network with pre-trained weights can ...
Environmental education activities in and out of schools can include neighborhood campaigns, lectures on the subject, gymnastics, outdoor activities, work in student groups in schools, insertion of guidelines for sustainable practices in classes, and training of teachers on the subject [51,52]. ...