"In an alternate universe, "ice cream sandwich" designates an ice cream cone filled with bacon, lettuce, and tomatoes. Maybe some sprinkles too." 407 Pink biscuits 50 septillion cookies baked 1 octillion Cookie production multiplier +4%."One of the oldest cookies. Traditionally dipped in ...
Cookies N Cream Cone - Pint Only Blue Bell Cookies N Cream Cone - Pint Only A creamy vanilla ice cream combined with chocolate crème filled cookie crumbles, chocolate cone pieces coated in dark chocolate and a chocolate fudge swirl. Your favorite cookie cone, but in a carton Krazy Kookie Do...
It’s not that I hated that Ted went back to Robin in the end, because, meh, whatever, but it’s the fact that the creators kind of misled the viewer into thinking the endgame was How Ted Mosby Met His Wife, not How Ted Mosby Fell In Love Again. Things were looking up at the ...