Klocwork reports an SV.XSS.COOKIE defect at line 6, indicating, "Possibility of attack on cookie without setHttpOnly flag". Although, the setHttpOnly method has been called, it is set as false on line 5. Fixed code example 2 Copy
Ina previous postI showed how you can use both ModSecurity and Apache together to identify/modify SessionIDs that are missing the HTTPOnly flag. I received some feedback where people were asking how to accomplish the same thing but for the "Secure" cookie flag which instructs the browser to ...
Set-Cookie: <name>=<value>[; <Max-Age>=<age>][; expires=<date>][; domain=<domain_name>][; path=<some_path>][; secure][; HTTPOnly] If the HTTPOnly flag (optional) is included in the HTTP response header, the cookie cannot be accessed through client side script (again if the br...
When storing the tokens in cookies, we can set the cookie assecureandhttpOnly. Thus if XSS occurs, the malicious script cannot read and send them to remote server. XSS can still impersonate the user from the users' browser, but if the browser is closed, the script can'...
可以与Cookie请求一起发送以增强机密性(但不保证完整性)的一些特殊标志是HTTPOnly和Secure标志。 Specification can be found here. 规格可以在这里找到。 Fun Fact: The HTTPOnly flag were first used by Microsoft in 2002 where Internet Explorer garnered 96% of the market in terms of browser usage. Rememb...
Definition onOWASPwiki: SameSite prevents the browser from sending this cookie along with cross-site requests. The main goal is mitigate the risk of cross-origin information leakage. It also provides some protection against cross-site request forgery attacks. Possible values for the flag are lax or...
” to your “http” section for mapping certain user agents to the flag. Then in your “location” block you need to use “proxy_cookie_path” to append the map result to “/” and “/uas” paths. This change will preserve other flags already set to the cookies likeSecureorHttpOnly....
This is mostly what we expected; the SimpleCookie without an HTTP only or secure flag is shown and the HttpOnlyCookie which, of course, can’t be read by client script isn’t. The little twist in the tail though is that you don’t see the SecureCookie and the reason is simply that ...