- Match 4 to create a Jelly Bee! Use it to shake up your board! - Reveal the Yumsicle! Swap macarons to uncover hidden treats! - Oh la la! Make matches to move the cupcake towards it’s box! Get it out for delivery! - C’est Magnifique! Break the Waffles before you’re out of...
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Once I picked my son up, he requested that I take him to a specific location so that his snapchat map would register he was there. Don’t ask. This is a total teen thing right now. Life is all about where you are on the snapchat map according to your friends or where you might ...
● Match 4 cookie-colored pieces to create a Jelly Bee! Use it to help shake up your board.● Time pop: destroy it to increase time for you.● Easy and fun to start but a challenge to fully masterBlast pop: eliminate all cookies jam in one same line● Jam through levels and earn ...
- Time mode to see who collects candy jelly the most in live matches.- Unlimited crush jam puzzles with a map so vast.The match 3 game starts off with the basic rules on how to play until the first 5 levels.You are on your own toy candy blast mania jam after that though.Every ...
t ask. This is a total teen thing right now. Life is all about where you are on the snapchat map according to your friends or where you might be since you didn’t announce it but it’s obvious on the map. Since I am cool and totally understand these things, I cooperated and took...