in Cookie Clicker's web version.[toggle version] 31.623 vigintillion Cookie production multiplier +5%."The original recipe; named for the delicate pattern inscribed on their surface by the baking process. Eating these can tell a lot about someone. Invented by well-connected bakers, no doubt."...
For achievements in beta versions, see Cookie Clicker Beta. Achievements are badges you earn for achieving certain goals, and each one increases the amount of milk you have (except shadow achievements). They were introduced in version 1.026. As of versio
“Cookie Clicker Wiki”的中文版是专为“曲奇点击者”游戏的中文玩家提供的一个官方百科平台。该平台不仅保留了原版百科的全部
Links Cookie Clicker Wiki Others Like You Viewed Gunko Alternate Mark Graysons Thragg The Boiled One Cookies Tier List Top Pages this Week Garden 1 Achievement 2 Ascension 3 Cheating 4 Grandmapocalypse 5 Cookie Clicker Wiki Category page
For Buildings in Cookie Clicker Classic, see Building (Cookie Clicker Classic). For Buildings in Cookie Clicker Beta, see Cookie Clicker Beta#Buildings. Buildings are important items in Cookie Clicker that generate cookies. They can be purchased from the
Re: Cookie Clicker! « Reply #145 on: September 05, 2013, 05:05:59 pm » Quote from: from the wiki, red cookie 28.99%: You lose 5% of current cookies, or 10 minutes worth of cookies, whichever is less, then plus 13.28.99%: You gain 10% of current cookies, or 30 minutes wo...
关于Steam端Co..自动点击好像用不了。。wiki上的自动点击var autoClicker = setInterval(Game.ClickCookie, <milliseconds interval>);
Cookie Clicker Wiki Others Like You Viewed Krumblor Shiny Wrinkler Golden Cookie Wrinkler Easter season 2 5 Santa's legacyPurchasing "A festive hat" or evolving Santa2,525 ×3SCookie production multiplier. Cost scales with Santa level.
A mod for Cookie Clicker to change the speed of the game. javascript mod cookieclicker Updated Sep 6, 2021 JavaScript dokluch / goldenclicker Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests Autoclicker for golden cookies in Cookieclicker game yolo joke opencv-python cookieclicker yolov5 Updated Apr ...
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