玩家可以通过浏览器直接输入中文wiki的地址:http://cookieclicker.wikia.com/wiki/Cookie_Clicker_Wiki 进行访问。需要注意的是,由于网络环境的差异,部分玩家可能需要通过特殊手段(如使用VPN)才能顺利访问该网站。一旦成功进入中文wiki,玩家便可以在这里畅游游戏知识的海洋,获取到最新的...
Cookie Clicker Wiki is a wiki for information, strategies and news related to the game Cookie Clicker. We're hard at work to ensure we provide the best resource for fans of Cookie Clicker on the internet, and are currently working on making this site look even better and easier to navigate...
Cookie Clicker wiki是一款玩法十分轻松的休闲游戏,在游戏中玩家需要不断的点击,然后制作出更多的曲奇小饼干,非常有趣的游戏模式,适合在空闲的时候体验,也不会感觉到枯燥哦,赶快来试一试吧。 Cookie Clicker wiki特色: 1、轻松方式,还有各种各样的成就,你可以招募饼干制造者来帮助你生产饼干,解压有趣。
For achievements in beta versions, see Cookie Clicker Beta. Achievements are badges you earn for achieving certain goals, and each one increases the amount of milk you have (except shadow achievements). They were introduced in version 1.026. As of versio
Cookie Clicker Wiki Explore Background Advertisement Cookie Clicker Wiki 102 pages Explore Games Category page Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Categories: Cookie Clicker Wiki Advertisement
The News Ticker is a visual—and further on in the game, a gameplay element—which displays messages about your current Cookie Clicker legacy, appearing at the top middle of the screen, in-between the Option, Stats, Info, and Legacy tabs. The News Ticker
1.581 vigintillion cookies bakedin Cookie Clicker's Steam version.in Cookie Clicker's web version.[toggle version] 31.623 vigintillion Cookie production multiplier +5%."Localized entirely within this gaming platform? Yes! Baked with the power of steam, in a touch of cutting-edge modernity not...
For upgrades in beta versions of Cookie Clicker (if any), see Cookie Clicker Beta. For Heavenly Upgrades, see Ascension#Upgrade Tree. Upgrades are things that make buildings and some other parts of the game better. As of version 2.052, there are 716 norm
关于Steam端Co..自动点击好像用不了。。wiki上的自动点击var autoClicker = setInterval(Game.ClickCookie, <milliseconds interval>);
The sequence used for the Santa evolution prices has a name - the 'fz-n' sequence; for example, the last upgrade of Santa Claus would cost fzfourteen cookies. More information:Googology Wiki Interactive Objects Big Cookie Golden Cookie