So, many years now, I still don't know. May be Sally fromSallys Baking Addictionwould know. But, she is kind of like my good mother. I learnt baking proper cookies from her. I'm sure she has inspired many of us and she is a legend. Hands down! So, coming back to the time whe...
10. Chewy Chocolate Chunk Cookies by sallysbakingaddiction sallysbakingaddiction RecipeHere
[bctt tweet=”runner sin, best brownies ever & my little boy! #thinkingoutloud #brownies #running #motherhood #bananas #sallysbakingaddiction” username=”cookiechrunicle”] Are you a fudgy brownies fan or do you like your brownies more cake-like? How often do you bake from scratch? What ...
I went to visit her a few days ago and made these marble cookie bars. After admiring her delectable cooking for years and tryingsohard to copy it (she made the meringue cake that I tried and failed to make!), it was nice to make her something that she enjoyed. So Farah Aunty, I h...