Kavin Graces the show: Directed by Parthiv Mani. With Raj Ayyappa, Venkatesh Bhat, Monisha Blessy, Raveena Daha. Kavin joins the show to talk about his new film, Dada. Also, the contestants bring out their best to surpass the elimination task.
Cooku with Comali Season 4 (குக் வித் கோமாளி சீசன் 4) launched on 28 January 2023 on Star Vijay. There Are Cook Contestants And Comalis in the Reality Show Format, There Where 12 Cook Contestants in the Show. ...
The kitchen becomes chaotic as the contestants struggle to prepare the dishes on time. Will they be able to please the judges? 6.5/10 (9)Rate S1.E21 ∙ Semi-finals RoundSat, Feb 1, 2020 The cooks team up with two comalis each to work on the recreation challenge for the semi-finals...