154.025 KZU879 BM 173.8 PL Cook Shrf Jail 2 Jail [Ch 2] FMN Corrections 153.845 KQ6542 BM 173.8 PL Cook Shrf Jail 3 Jail [Ch 3] FMN Corrections 158.865 KSA718 BM 173.8 PL Cook Shrf Jail 4 Corrections Vans/Transportation [Ch 4] FMN Corrections Cook County Interoperability View Subcategor...
2505561dfDECCS IAD DCSIInternal Affairs Division: Dept. of Community Supervision and InterventionLaw Tac 2505661e0DECCS IAD DOCInternal Affairs Division: Department of CorrectionsLaw Tac 2505761e1DECCS IAD PoliceInternal Affairs Division: PoliceLaw Tac ...
They were also added to after-school services at Lakeside and at three other Cumberland County middle schools through the 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) program of the US Dept. of Education. The 21st CCLC commissioned a pre- and post-survey assessment of student attitudes, ...