二、COTFS初始化 直接上代码吧 voidUCookOnTheFlyServer::StartCookByTheBook(constFCookByTheBookStartupOptions&CookByTheBookStartupOptions){UE_SCOPED_COOKTIMER(StartCookByTheBook);LLM_SCOPE_BYTAG(Cooker);check(IsInGameThread());check(IsCookByTheBookMode());// Initialize systems and settings that ...
COOK by the BOOK Milestone cookbook came about by popular demandNANCY GORDON
go by the book和do sth by the book的意思是一样的,都是指要“照规矩办事”,这里的book更像是指规则、纪律、指示之类的内容。1. The police officer handled the situation by the book, following all the proper protocols and procedures.(警察按照规定办理了这个情况,遵循了所有适当的协议和程序。)2....
“by the book”所表达的意思是“按规章办事”,看4个例句看看它该如何运用吧! [例句] 1.I was horrified one day to receive a customer service call from a customer who had done everything right, and exactlyby the book. 有...
"Cook the books"是一个英语短语,其含义并不是字面上的“烹饪书籍”,而是指一种不诚实的行为,即“做假账”或“隐瞒真实的财务记录”。这个短语源于cook这个词除了表示“烹饪”之外,还有“捏造”或“篡改”的含义,而book在这里则指的是“账本”或“...
I'm in her good books at the moment because I cleared up the kitchen.她现在对我有好感,因为我把厨房清理干净了。这句话中be in her good books的意思是令她喜欢,令某人厌烦可以表达为be in sb's bad books。 3、by the book She always does everything by the book.她总是照章行事。这句话中...
1.(Cookery) to prepare (food) by the action of heat, as by boiling, baking, etc, or (of food) to become ready for eating through such a process. subject or be subjected to the action of intense heat:the town cooked in the sun. ...
Cook by the book Cookby the bookperforms the entirety of the cook process ahead of time allowing for the build to deploy the cooked assets all at once rather than as needed while playing the level (if you were using a cook server). This option is useful for developers who are not ite...
【释义】:做假账 作为英语惯用语,词组不是【cook the book】而是【cook the books】。意思是【做假账】。【造句】:1、She was sacked for cooking the books.释义:她因做假帐而被解雇。2、Although my friend was usually honest, he decided to cook the books.释义:尽管朋友一向诚实,但他...