A community for Conway's Game of Life and related cellular automata Choose pattern:2-engine CordershipCopperheadGosper glider gunSir RobinSnark loopClear LifeViewerShow Advanced Options Current Pattern: Gosper glider gun A pattern that repeatedly creates gliders, and thus grows without bound. Was the...
If a section or frame is selected, this plugin will fill it with random cells and iterate through Conway's Game of Life.
John Conway's Game of Life, aka. Game of Life, a Turing complete game. 康威生命游戏,又名生命游戏,一个图灵完备的游戏。规则很简单:在一块格点平面上有无数的细胞,或生或死。每个细胞相接的8块方格被称为邻居。如果邻居过少(小于2),细胞会因孤独而死;如果邻居
Conways-game-of-life This project is a branch of Conway's game of life. This branch implements some quality of life changes to the program. The project is entirely coded in the programming language C with the auxiliary use of the free library Raylib. To run the program it is necessary ...
My first reaction to that particular article introducing a new pastime titled “The fantastic combinations of John Conway’s new solitaire game ‘life''' was only mildly interesting. A couple of days later, still curious about the outcome of random patterns, I located an old checkerboard and a...
John Conway による有名なセルオートマトン (CA: Cellular automation) をベースにした Conway の Game of Life 例のデシジョンセットは、ルールでルールフローグループを使用してルール実行を制御する方法を例示します。ま...
康威生命游戏(英语:Conway's Game of Life),又称康威生命棋,是英国数学家约翰·何顿·康威在1970年发明的细胞自动机。这是这个游戏在三叶草(trefoil)上的展现。 Beautiful Mathematics: Conway's Game of Life on...
3-Dimensional version of Conway's Game of Life. "Life" is a cellular automaton invented by John Conway that involves live and dead cells in a rectangular, two-dimensional universe. This implementation uses a M x M x M grid; the number initial ramdomly generated cells can be changed using...
Conway, John
Conway's Game of Life, also known as the Game of Life or simply Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. It is the best-known example of a cellular automaton. The "game" is actually a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is...