Ming Y, Chen Y and Dong G (2014) Application of con- volved blind separation based on second-order cyclic stat- istics in rolling element bearing feature extraction. Journal of Vibration and Control 20(4): 617-633.Y. Ming, J. Chen, G. Dong, Application of convolved blind separation ...
Consistent kernelized graphConsensus spectral representationSpectral feature convolutionMATRIX FACTORIZATIONMulti-view clustering attempts to partition unlabeled objects into clusters by making full use of complementary and consistent information in the features of multiple views. Most existing methods perform this...
Feature importance analysis, based on a gradient attribution mapping technique, revealed that for both the traditional and the deep learning methods, a frequency band between 5 and 6 kHz is particularly important in terms of the discrimination between front and back ensemble locations. Linear-...
A PIRT (Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table) is used to identify and prioritize physical phenomena and perform gap analysis in terms of necessary capabilities and production-level code feature implementations required to construct the model. At significant stages of the project a PCMM (Predictive...
In this paper, a convolved feature vector based adaptive fuzzy filter is proposed for impulse noise removal. The proposed filter follows traditional approach, i.e., detection of noisy pixels based on certain criteria followed by filtering process. In the first step, proposed noise detection ...