而矩阵乘对计算资源消耗较大,除了计算机体系结构的不断更新外,软件优化方面也有大量的研究工作。 本文简要介绍通用矩阵乘(GEMM,General Matrix Multiplication)优化的基本概念和方法、QNNPACK对特定场景的矩阵乘的优化方法、以及用 GEMM 优化神经网络中卷积计算的一点方向。 旨在帮助大家在概念中建立一些直觉,无甚高论。
Matrix multiplication is easier to compute compared to a 2D convolution because it can be efficiently implemented using hardware-accelerated linear algebra libraries, such as BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms). These libraries have been optimized for many years to achieve high performance on a var...
Matrix-multiplication function for convolution with per-channel requantization for 16 bits convolution. This function does the matrix multiplication of weight matrix for all output channels with 2 columns from im2col and produces two elements/output_channel. The outputs are clamped in the range provid...
First, the input feature map and the weight matrix are reconstructed to perform convolution using matrix multiplication. This is similar to GPU which also uses matrix multiplication to implement convolution calculation. However, due to different hardware architecture and design, the Ascend AI processor ...
Write default Latex convolution symbol You can use \ast function: $$(f\astg)(t):=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(\tau)g(t-\tau)d\tau$$ \[(f \ast g)(t):=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(\tau) g(t-\tau) d \tau\] Latex convolution with circle using amssymb ...
MPSMatrixFullyConnectedGradient MPSMatrixLogSoftMax MPSMatrixLogSoftMaxGradient MPSMatrixMultiplication MPSMatrixNeuron MPSMatrixNeuronGradient MPSMatrixSoftMax MPSMatrixSoftMaxGradient MPSMatrixSolveCholesky MPSMatrixSolveLU MPSMatrixSolveTriangular MPSMatrixSum MPSMatrixUnaryKernel MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication MPSNN...
MPSMatrixCopyDescriptor MPSMatrixCopyOffsets MPSMatrixCopyToImage MPSMatrixDecompositionCholesky MPSMatrixDecompositionLU MPSMatrixDecompositionStatus MPSMatrixDescriptor MPSMatrixFindTopK MPSMatrixFullyConnected MPSMatrixFullyConnectedGradient MPSMatrixLogSoftMax MPSMatrixLogSoftMaxGradient MPSMatrixMultiplication MPSMatri...
Library for specialized dense and sparse matrix operations, and deep learning primitives. machine-learningfortranvectormatrixintelavxssejitsimdmatrix-multiplicationsparseblasconvolutionavx2amxtensoravx512transposebfloat16 UpdatedFeb 26, 2025 C image-js/image-js ...
based on the DGGSIndex underlying pandas index, get the position (integer) of each neighbor along the DGGS dimension (or -1 if no cell is found in the index) using something similar toxarray.core.indexes.get_indexer_nd() construct the sparse matrix using the preferred encoding scheme ...
Then place this filter in the top left corner of the Transposed Conv matrix. Take the multiplication of the second pixel and filter and put the result in the Transposed Conv matrix with the specified Stride. If there are any values which are overlapping then add those values. Repeat this pro...