工业视觉halcon convol_image函数介绍 convol_image(Image : ImageResult : FilterMask, Margin : ) convol_image计算输入图像Image与任意线性滤波掩码之间的相关性。 使用的过滤器掩码(FilterMask中给出)可以从文件加载,也可以作为元组传递。 图像边框处理的几个选项可以选择(Margin): 灰度值 图像边框外的灰度值像素...
convol_imagecalculates the correlation between the input imageImageand an arbitrary linear filter mask. The used filter mask, which is given inFilterMask, can be either loaded from a file or passed as a tuple. Several options for the treatment at the image's borders can be chosen (Margin):...