这本书是由Stephen Boyd和Lieven Vandenberghe这两位大佬合著的,涵盖了凸优化理论的方方面面。无论你是研究统计学、运筹学、管理科学还是计算机科学,这本书都值得一读。下面我简单给大家总结一下书中的重点内容: 凸集(Convex sets) 🌟 凸函数(Convex functions) 🌟 凸优化问题(Convex optimization problems) 🌟 ...
Convex Optimization 作者:Stephen Boyd/Lieven Vandenberghe 出版社:Cambridge University Press 出版年:2004-3-8 页数:727 定价:USD 90.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780521833783 豆瓣评分 9.6 520人评价 5星 78.8% 4星 18.8% 3星 1.9% 2星 0.4% 1星 0.0%...
Convex Optimization . . , . . . . .
ConvexOptimization—Boyd&Vandenberghe 10.Unconstrainedminimization •terminologyandassumptions •gradientdescentmethod •steepestdescentmethod •Newton’smethod •self-concordantfunctions •implementation 10–1 Unconstrainedminimization minimizef(x) •fconvex,twicecontinuouslydifferentiable(hencedomfopen) ...
Wind Farm Layout Optimization (WindFLO) _ An advanced framework for fast wind farm analysis and optimization 热度: Convex Optimization—Boyd&Vandenberghe 4. Convex optimization problems • optimization problem in standard form • convex optimization problems ...
ConvexOptimization—Boyd&Vandenberghe 3.Convexfunctions •basicpropertiesandexamples •operationsthatpreserveconvexity •theconjugatefunction •quasiconvexfunctions •log-concaveandlog-convexfunctions •convexitywithrespecttogeneralizedinequalities 3–1 Definition f:R n →Risconvexifdomfisaconvexsetand f...
内容提示: Convex Optimization — Boyd & Vandenberghe1. Introduction• mathematical optimization• least-squares and linear programming• convex optimization• example• course goals and topics• nonlinear optimization• brief history of convex optimization1–1 文档格式:PDF | 页数:300 | 浏览...
Convex Optimization — Boyd & Vandenberghe3. Convex functions basic properties and examples operations that preserve convexity the conjugate function quasiconvex functions log-concave and log-convex functions convexity with respect to generalized inequalities3–1Definitionf : Rn→ R is convex if domf is...
今天分享完毕,如有问题,网友们请不吝赐教。后面我也会陆续给出书上一些看起来不显眼但读者(例如我,哈哈)可能感到迷惑的例子 ,且书上没有给出相应证明,我会找出来尽量写一些自己的看法和证明及解释。 参考: Boyd, S. P., & Vandenberghe, L. (2004).Convex optimization. Cambridge university press....
Convex Optimization: Interior-point methods from Boyd andVandenberghe)Convex OptimizationA convex optimization problem with variables x: minimize f0(x) subject to fi(x) ≤ 0, i = 1, 2,...,m aTix = bi, i = 1, 2,...,p where f0,f1,...,fm are convex functions... S Boyd,L Vande...