如果驅動程式支援 gamma 簡報 (,驅動程式會公開 D3DCAPS3 功能選項 D3DCAPS3_LINEAR_TO_SRGB_PRESENTATION) ,則應該會發生 gamma 更正的簡報。 這項測試會透過 gamma 2.2 更正後處理參考影像來驗證正確的輸出。 如果驅動程式宣告不支援 gamma 簡報,測試會確認不會發生任何 Gamma 修正。 測試會執行下列工作: 將色彩...
When I use the Acrobat PDF maker to convert the document, then run the accessibility checker in Adobe, it has changed all of the alt text to somehting like this: Figure - P57#yIS1. When I test the screen reader, and highlight the charts, it simply says "Blank". So, even t...
When I use the Acrobat PDF maker to convert the document, then run the accessibility checker in Adobe, it has changed all of the alt text to somehting like this: Figure - P57#yIS1. When I test the screen reader, and highlight the charts, it simply says "Blank". So, even though...
When I use the Acrobat PDF maker to convert the document, then run the accessibility checker in Adobe, it has changed all of the alt text to somehting like this: Figure - P57#yIS1. When I test the screen reader, and highlight the charts, it simply says "Blank". So,...
When I use the Acrobat PDF maker to convert the document, then run the accessibility checker in Adobe, it has changed all of the alt text to somehting like this: Figure - P57#yIS1. When I test the screen reader, and highlight the charts, it simply says "Blank". So,...