Step 3: Convert vector features to JSON Now that we have a specified dataset (shapefile) containing a set of vector features, we can convert it to other file formats. We’ll first convert them to JSON (short for JavaScript Object Notation), a file format where all features are stored as ...
Therefore, it’ll be using the same methods of development as other JavaScript strings. But, it is important to understand that JSON text would still resemble JavaScript Objects. So, inside a string, you can also convert arrays from or to JSON by using this method: This tells...
We're starting to roll out software metadata files to all rOpenSci packages via the Codemeta initiative, see for how to include it in your package, after installing the package - should be easy as running codemetar::write_codemeta() in the root of...
Repository files navigation README LGPL-2.1 license GPL-2.0 license Aushape Aushape is a tool and a library for converting Linux audit log messages to JSON and XML, allowing both single-shot and streaming conversion. At the moment Aushape can output to stdout, a file, or syslog(3). The ...
Launch the tool and add your Polygon ZM shapefiles to the input features. Select an 'Output Folder' Click on the 'Environments...' button at the bottom of the dialog box. To the right of the 'OK' button. Click on the 'General Settings' text. ...
The following files are what I am using to run the model on the jetson nano: Python script KB) Spec file =crowd_detector.txt(3.0 KB) Onnx model =DroneCrowd11-540x960.onnx(3.3 MB) Engine file =DroneCrowd11-540x960.onnx_b1_gpu0_fp16.engine(7.0 ...
Convert bool to JSON convert byte array to image Convert c# Datetime into SQL Standard date Convert c# string to SQL Datetime. Convert cursive writing image to text? Convert DataSet to Array of Objects convert DataTable entire column to YYYY/MM/DD format without for-loop from YYYY-MM-DDT00:... $python3${INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR}/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/\--import-module model.u2net \ --model-name U2NETP \ --input-shape 1,3,320,320 \
Bind data to wpf from json Bind DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate background color to current row color Bind list to DataGrid in WPF Bind ListView ItemsSource to List or Dictionary? Bind to parent DataContext from within DataTemplate Bind treeview to dictionary<string,list<string>> Bind two eleme...
SteelDefect_FRCNN_ONNXModel.onnx --input_shape [1,1,1024,512] --transformations_config /opt/intel/openvino_2021.3.394/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/onnx/faster_rcnn.json --output_dir /home/pruthvin/SteelDefect_FRCNN_ModelFiles/SteelDefect_FRCNN_PBFile...