Converting raster data to polygons When you convert a raster dataset containing area features, each group of contiguous cells with the same values converts to a polygon. Arcs are created from cell borders in the raster. NoData cells in the input raster do not become polygons in the output....
Vector logos must be created inside ArcMap as ArcMap graphics to ensure that the chart will color separate. This can be done by first converting the raster logo image to a vector feature class layer, then to ArcMap vector graphics.
Pro’s Conversion toolset contains seventeen different tools that not only convert between different file formats, but also between data types (such as raster to vector and vice versa). Also included are tools and scripts to convert to Esri-specific data formats such as GeoDatabase, GeoPackage a...
Output raster Point feature to raster data When you convert points, cells are usually given the value of the points found within each cell. Cells that do not contain a point are given the value of NoData. If more than one point is found in a cell, the cell is given the value of the...
您可将栅格数据转换为面、线或点要素。请根据栅格数据所表示的内容来选择相应的要素类型。 还可将栅格数据转换为其他文件格式。 将栅格数据转换为面 在转换包含区域要素的栅格数据集时,每组具有相同值的连续像元会转换为一个面要素。弧是基于栅格中的像元边界创建而成的。输入栅格中的 NoData 像元不会在输出中转换...
要素转栅格工具可以将任一要素类(面、折线(Polyline) 或点)转换为栅格数据。要进一步控制要素的转换方式,您可使用以下工具: 面转栅格工具 折线转栅格工具 点转栅格工具 将面要素转换为栅格数据 对面进行转换时,通常会将每个栅格像元中心找到的面要素的值指定给对应的栅格像元。 第一个图片显示的是作为输入参数的面...
Beim Konvertieren eines Punkts, einer Linie oder eines Polygons in ein Raster müssen Regeln befolgt werden, um eine konsistente Konvertierung sicherzustellen.
ОбзоргруппыинструментовВрастр Объектыврастр Мультипатчврастр Точкиврастр Полигоныврастр Полилинииврастр Растрвдругойформат ...
Converting raster data to polygons When you convert a raster dataset containing area features, each group of contiguous cells with the same values converts to a polygon. Arcs are created from cell borders in the raster. NoData cells in the input raster do not become polygons in the output....
此ArcGIS 3.0 文档已存档,并且不再对其进行更新。 其中的内容和链接可能已过期。请参阅最新文档。 要素转栅格工具可以将任一要素类(面、折线 (Polyline)或点)转换为栅格数据。要进一步控制要素的转换方式,您可使用以下工具: 面转栅格工具 折线转栅格工具 ...