OwingtothedifferentthinkingstylesandlanguagehabitsofEnglishandChinese,somepartsofspeechhavetobeconvertedintoothersduringtranslatingtoconveythepropermeaningoftheoriginal.Mainlytherearefourwaysofsuchconverting:ConvertingintoverbsConvertingintonounsConvertingintoadjectivesConvertingintoadverbs •••• ConvertingintoVerbs ...
Reverse most of the words are verbs, a very small number belonging to other parts. As nouns and adjectives, and inverse vocabulary is mostly formed from nouns include compound nouns, inverse of converting from English adjectives or adverbs not many new words. ...
The overwhelming majority of blends are nouns; very few are verbs and adjectives are even fewe r. Blends are mostly used in writing related to scie nee and tech no logy, and to newspapers and magazines.绝大多数拼缀词是名词;很少为动词,是形容词的则更是少之又少。 拼缀词主要...
CONSTITUTION:Nouns, verbs and adjectives or the like are stored in the Kanji word dictionary and further, identification information on whether or not accompanying a declensional Kana and the output order are stored further. For example, without a declensional Kana to a reading Kana ''Ko'', ...
CONSTITUTION:Nouns, verbs and adjectives or the like are stored in the Kanji word dictionary and further, identification information on whether or not accompanying a declensional Kana and the output order are stored further. For example, without a declensional Kana to a reading Kana ''Ko'', ...