My package arrived at ScanDigital on 9/13, it was scanned on 9/21, and I received my package back on 9/28. That’s a 15 day turnaround time which isn’t bad but I was a little concerned about the delay between when my negatives were received and when they were scanned. I asked ...
Don’t leave your photos, negatives, and slides sitting around to collect dust and degrade! Have them scanned into mp4 digital files and preserve them forever! Convert Your Memories in San Francisco to Digital Today! FILM TRANSFER SERVICE AV Conversion Services can do film transfers for 8 mm,...
The film type number displayed after characterizing one negative of a series can be tried on subsequent negatives of the same film to establish whether a good characterization has been found. If so the film type number can be written down and used on other negatives on the same type of film...
Converting negatives digitally has been done since the first digital scanners came out in the 80s. However, dedicated scanners have one crucial advantage: They can control their hardware – they know the output of their sensor, the quality and colour of their light source and the properties of ...
Movie film is a very close cousin of photographic negatives and slides, and suffers very similar decay over time. If you need a quality film scanning service to transfer movie formats such as 8mm film to digital, then you have found it in ScanCafe where we turn your old home movies into...
I think I might have to use this ION for digitizing my slides, negatives and photos (although I can do the latter on my Epson printer) and look into buying a Wolverine 2D like yours. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Follow Report More Reply Reply hatstead C...
Movie film is a very close cousin of photographic negatives and slides, and suffers very similar decay over time. If you need a quality film scanning service to transfer movie formats such as 8mm film to digital, then you have found it in ScanCafe where we turn your old home movies into...