There are 60 minutes in a degree and 3600 seconds in a degree. So, for example, if I have a value of 98 deg 45 ' 56'' that would be equivalent to 98 + 45 / 60 + 56 / 3600 = 98.76556 deg. I hope that helps. Here's some robust pseudocode to handle all cases, including ...
=LEFT(A1,FIND(":",A1)-1)+RIGHT(A1,2)/60 Assuming that the minutes will always be the last two digits (thus 00 to 59). ToddLock According to the Excel specs: So I guess you'll have to use a formula like: =LEFT(A1,FIND(":",A1)-1)+RIGHT(A1,2)/60 Assuming that the minute...
If the hours/minutes are separated by a decimal point (as in your example), the following formula will convert the hours/minutes(in cell A1) to decimal hours. But there must surely be a better way of doing it ! Celia =IF(ISERROR(RIGHT(A18,LEN(A18)-FIND(".",A18)+1)),A18,LEFT(A1...
Convert 102° 45' 54" to decimal form.Clearly, I've got 102°, but how do I convert the minutes and seconds to decimal form? I'll do the conversion by using the definitions of "degrees", "minutes", and "seconds"; and by doing the appropriate divisions. Each degree contains sixty ...
C# Raise a method every 5 minutes C# read binary data in small chunks C# read server with socket (ASCII) C# reading excel file where the header is not the first row in OLEDB c# Reading/Writing file in Properties.resources C# Receive UDP Broadcast c# reflection can't get values c# Regex ...
Converting numbers in decimal to hours & minutes To convert 17.80 in A1 to 17.48, use the formula =DOLLARFR(A1, 60) To convert it to the real time value 17:48, use the formula =A1/1440 and apply the custom format [m]:ss to the cell with the formula....
In this paper, six types of infinite recurring decimals corresponding to six different formulae which can be used to convert infinite recurring decimals to fractions with more ease are being presented. The six types of decimals are: -type one consisting of digits that repeat themselves after a...
Convert Time to Hours: Choose cell C5. Enter the following formula: =B5*24 This formula converts the time value in cell B5 to decimal hours. Drag the Fill Handle icon down to cell C9. Convert Time to Minutes: Choose cell D5. Insert the following formula: =B5*1440 This formul...
(DDM), and Degrees Minutes and Seconds (DMS). The formula forconverting Degree Minutes and Seconds to Decimal Degreesis discussed in the ArcGIS 10 Help. Another common method is to use a projected coordinate system and X and Y coordinate pairs, that is, two sets of numbers in a planar ...
On your Excel worksheet, just set up a new column with cells that contain the formula: =VALUE(xxx) …where xxx is the cell that contains the Wufoo Timestamp. Don’t be confused by what you see at first. If the cells in the new column are formatted in Excel’s default general format...