You can convert a standard SOLIDWORKS body or graphics body to a mesh BREP body using the Convert to Mesh Body tool. Because the tools for editing mesh BREP bodies are limited, you should do as much modeling as possible with the standard SOLIDWORKS BREP body before converting it to a mesh...
Select Keep body if you want to keep the solid body to use in another Convert to Sheet Metal feature. When cleared, the body is consumed by the Convert to Sheet Metal feature.Under Bend Edges, select the model edges that will form bends. Change the display style to Hidden Lines Visibl...
A "mesh" is usually understood to be a faceted representation of a solid. The facets usually consist of 3 or 4 sided polygons. Triangle meshes (3 sided) are the most common, because a triangle is always planar, so the math needed to deal with them is simpler. A faceted representation ...
You can convert boundary surface and trim surface features into solid features using a Create Solid option, provided the surface features can create a closed volume from the inputs.The Create Solid option was formerly called the Try to form solid option. In previous releases, you had to knit ...
It is possible to create a solid part, then convert it to sheet metal to add the bends and sheet metal features.To create a part of uniform thickness and convert it to sheet metal: Create a block with the Extruded Boss/Base tool. Make the block 50mm on all sides....
在钣金中使用成形工具 钣金零件 多实体钣金零件 使用钣金折弯参数替换成形工具 PropertyManager 折弯类型 在SOLIDWORKS 知识库中搜索“转换实体到钣金”。0.20.62使用条款 | 隐私政策 | 个性化 Cookie 选项 | 获取产品演示 | 联系销售部门 | 索取报价 © 1995-2024 Dassault Systèmes。保留所有权利。
折弯类型 通过转换实体来生成钣金零件 您可以使用转换到钣金命令,通过转换实体或曲面实体来生成钣金零件。 使用尖角折弯生成钣金零件 使用圆角折弯生成钣金零件 生成带圆锥面的钣金零件 添加薄壁到钣金零件 钣金特征 展开钣金折弯 父主题:钣金
在钣金中使用成形工具 钣金零件 多实体钣金零件 使用钣金折弯参数替换成形工具 PropertyManager 折弯类型 在SOLIDWORKS 知识库中搜索“转换实体到钣金”。0.20.20使用条款 | 隐私政策 | 个性化 Cookie 选项 | 获取产品演示 | 联系销售部门 | 索取报价 © 1995-2024 Dassault Systèmes。保留所有权利。
SolidWorks Utilities Tolerancing TolAnalyst Toolbox Constructions soudées Workgroup PDM Dépannage GlossaireConvertir des corps volumiques en pièce de tôlerieTable des matièresLes types de plis Vous pouvez utiliser trois types de plis lorsque vous convertissez un corps volum...
SimulationXpress Croquizado Sustainability SolidWorks Utilities Tolerancing TolAnalyst Toolbox Piezas soldadas Workgroup PDM Solución de problemas GlosarioConvertir sólidos en chapa metálicaContenidoTipos de plieguesTres tipos de pliegues están disponibles al convertir un sól...