有是一个标准系统为做这吗? 它是什么? 若我想要写英国人外国Langauge 名字在汉字, 什么字符我应该使用? 能我使用听起来同样的所有字符, 或我应该只使用某些字符吗?
Dictionary English-ChineseUnder construction a convert 改变信仰者() 皈依者() convertverb 转化v() less common: 折算v · 改造v · 使皈依v · 使...迷上v Examples: convert to (a religion)— 归依 · 皈依 religious convert— 归心者 convert into— ...
Converting your Chinese name into English can be a daunting task, especially when you're seeking to navigate the complexities of cultural nuances and personal preferences. However, it's a journey worth embarking on, allowing you to present your identity in a way that resonat...
One step we had glossed over in our haste to get something interesting on the screen in our Chinese/English dictionary program was the conversion from traditional to simplified Chinese characters. The format of thehcutf8.txtfile is a series of lines, each of which is a UTF-8 encoded string...
pronunciations by the head characters of the pronunciations of words when a conversion dictionary is constituted, and setting the number of characters to be retrieved according to the head character of a pronunciation character string to be retrieved at the time of the dictionary retrieving process....
English Tools Educational websites Support ChineseConverter.com and sign-up for ad-free ChineseConverter.com has been going since 2012. We are constantly improving the website and finding more ways to help teachers and learners of Chinese. If you want to enjoy an ad-free experience, this is ...
Linguee English Chinese Translate textTranslate filesImprove your writing▾Dictionary English-Chinese Under construction a convert— 皈依者 · 改变信仰者 convert — 改装 · 改成 · 兑换 · 变换 · 转译 · 换算 · 教民 · 转抵 convert v — 转化 v · 使皈依 v · 折算 v · 使......
DOCUMENT PREPARATION DEVICE AND JAPANESE SYLLABARY-TO-CHINESE CHARACTER CONVERTING METHOD PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To obtain a KANA (Japanese syllabary)-to-KANJI (Chinese character) conversion result including an English word by a KANA-KANJI conver... N Shigemi,中里 茂美,S Kunihiro,... 被引量:...
ChineseConvert Chinese Convert offers converting traditional Chinese to simple Chinese or opposite. 提供中文繁简体相互转换。 [convertManager goToBig5:textString] 简体转换繁体 [convertManager big5ToGb:textString] 繁体转换简体 INSTALL pod 'ChineseConvert' USAGE import "ChineseConvert.h" ChineseConvert * co...
INSTALL pod 'ChineseConvert' USAGE import "ChineseConvert.h" ChineseConvert * convertManager = [[ChineseConvert alloc]init]; //from simple Chinese to traditional Chinese [convertManager gbToBig5:textString]; //from traditional Chinese to simple Chinese [convertManager big5ToGb:textString]; About...