Write a program to convert an longitude or latitude expressed as a signed quantity in degrees (possibly with a fractional component expressed in decimal notation) to one expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds (the first two as integers and the last as a floating point number). Input ...
Then 102° 45' 54", in decimal form, is equal to: 102.765° You can use the Mathway widget below to practice converting from DMS to decimal degrees. Try the entered exercise, or type in your own exercise. Then click the button to compare your answer to Mathway's. (Or continue with...
There are many ways of representing locations. One of the most common uses angular latitude and longitude coordinates to specify the location of a point. TheseGeographic coordinatesmay be expressed in several different notations, including Decimal Degrees (DD), Degrees Decimal Minutes (DDM), and Deg...
How do I keep the coordinates in decimal degrees (21.69046, -157.962533) instead of converting to DMS (21°41'53.0"N 157°57'45.1"W) Finally, is there documentation that describes the code that you used in the above expression, so that I can have a better understandi...