sa curetmpo sittescsin, kw oewn rdrs, nesaidt lx crmgnaipo graj uemrbn vr rqk caetx 0, wo dohlus racpome rj rk 0 twhiin uxr geran lx rod oispncrie lx sfloat64. Ybzj jc dwk wv cluod ceckh jl jnz(π)
The proposed structure is simulated by full-wave near-field simulation using finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) method embedded in commercial EM simulator CST Studio. The boundary condition is set as open to simulate the real space. The boundaries are at large distances from the metal structure...
The corresponding relative error, evaluated between the measured/estimated capacitance values and its nominal/real values, is lower than 3%. Finally, the maximum averaged RMS jitter level, measured on the rising/falling edges of the output square wave signal VMIX, results to be always lower than ...
Combined production of a full-scale wave converter and a full-scale wind turbine—A real case study. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE), Dublin, Ireland, 17–19 October 2012. 37. Azzellino, A.; Ferrante, V.; Kofoed, J.P.; Lanfredi, C.; ...
eTvloh[le3tra4eg,f3eo5sr]e.t,oTththhieserceloofnowrvee,rttlehoriastdoscpoonlrovlgeoyrwtceearrntbobapetoteelmroygpyvlooyclateandgfeboser. eTinmhteprgleroayatreinedgvfatohrrieoingurtseegasotrealratirmnPgoVdthuaelpepgvrloieclaattateigorenmsstooudstuehdleelaovlwoonletgar glwoeasitdhtos toh...
real power that the block dissipates is included in this instantaneous dissipated power. The power dissipated by the block over time is represented by the time-value series for this parameter whenever we log the simulation results. As a result, this efficiency function is used to determine the ...
It is the wave spectrum that can fully reflect the energy distribution characteristics of the random spectrum; thus, only analyzing the absorption power spectrum will reduce the reliability under real sea conditions. Hence, it is necessary to establish an objective function that can simultaneously ...
The error between the real injected grid currents (Id and Iq) and the reference currents (Id∗ and Iq∗) is then passed through the proportional-integral (PI) controllers, and the inverter reference Energies 2021, 14, 331 Va Vb abc Vc dq ωt Ia abc Ib Ic dq ωt Gate pulses ...
Future research is directed toward the practical real-time implementation of MPC, including studies of model complexity reductions and optimization algorithm implementation. This will be investigated using the test facility described in [19,20]. Furthermore, the required accuracy of the wave prediction ...
Inverting Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter for Mobile AMOLED Display Using Real-Time Self-Tuned Minimum Power-Loss Tracking (MPLT) Scheme with Lossless Soft-Switching for Discontinuous Conduction Mode. IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 2015, 50, 2380–2393. [CrossRef] 13. Shin, S.H.; Hong, S.K.;...