Point-of-load DC-DC converters for present and future generations of ICs for communication systems and microprocessors must have challenging specifications that include low output voltage and high output current with tight regulation, very small ripple under both steady-state and transient conditions, hi...
Since no inexpensive com- parator exists with these specs, special arrangements must be made. The LT106 comparator provides relatively quick re- sponse, but requires at least 5 mV of overdrive to maintain this speed. A discrete preamplifier may be used to amplify the sum- ming junction ...
(n+4),.para-txt-sec-two, .para-txt-sec-three,.frm-sub-headin,#modal-submit,.email-container.bg-purple,.margin-top")}}, C_708874_517_1_2_1:{ fn:function(log,nonce=''){return (function(x) {var el,ctx=vwo_$(x); /*vwo_debug log("visibility","body"); vwo_debug*/(el=...
3.3实验验证 参考文献(References) 设计了三相交错并联双向DC/DC变换器两端 [1]蔡宣三.高频功率电子学直流一直流变换部分[M].北京:科学 分别为超级电容和蓄电池的电路,进行变换器在 dc—dctransform 出版社,1993(CaiXuansan.Highfrequency power 万方数据 ·890· 控制 工程 第2l卷 electmnics parts,Beiiin只:...
The results explicitly show that such frequency reduction must be applied at the end of the Buck mode, entire Buck-Boost mode aEnledctrtohneicsb2e0g2i0n, n9,i3n9g7 of the Boost mode. 13 of 25 FFiigguurree88. . BBuucckkmmooddeeooffooppeerraatitoionn.. 11––BBuucckk ttrraannssiisst...
electronics Article A Unified Multimode Control of a DC–DC Interlinking Converter Integrated into a Hybrid Microgrid Oswaldo López-Santos 1,* , Yeison Alejandro Aldana-Rodríguez 1, Germain Garcia 2 and Luis Martínez-Salamero 3 1 Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Ibagué, 730001 Ibagué, ...
Acknowledgments: This research was supported by national funds through FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, under projects UIDB/50021/2020 and UIDB/00066/2020. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. References 1. Periasamy, P.; Jain, N.; Singh, I....