ODF Converter Open Document File Converter ODP Converter OpenDocument Presentation Converter ODT Converter OOMMF Data Table File Converter ODX Converter BizTalk Server Orchestration File Converter OEACCOUNT Converter Windows Mail Account File Converter OEM Converter OEMEdit Save File Converter OFC Converter Open...
sensors Article Design and Evaluation of a Structural Analysis-Based Fault Detection and Identification Scheme for a Hydraulic Torque Converter Qi Chen 1,*, Jincheng Wang 1 and Qadeer Ahmed 2,* 1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, C...
Shorthand for: -foconverter XFC rtf '"fo2rtf_executable_file" -rtf.target=MSWord "%I" "%O"' -foconverter XFC wml '"fo2wml_executable_file" "%I" "%O"' -foconverter XFC docx '"fo2docx_executable_file" "%I" "%O"' -foconverter XFC odf '"fo2odt_executable_file" "%I" "%O"' ...
tI nrecsiasstoert Rhse_veqa louf ethseo wf Rhoslae ncodnVveCrtFerf ocarne baec hcaslctauglaeteodf uthsiengc aEsqcuaadtieona r(e2)k. nown, the equivalent output resistor Rs_eq of the who_le converter can be calculated using Equat ion (2). (2) ...
Sigehcteior nre2sdoelusctriiobne satnhde pirminpcripolveeadn dnostnrulicnteuarerity anodf stthaebiplirtoyp. osed DTC. Section 3 presents the realization of the DTC system. Section 4 shows the expTehriem reenmtaalirnedsuerlt so, fa ntdheS epcatipoenr5 ...
Tahsiws eplrlostuepctpionrtepdrobcyedthuereteisst twhaevneefoxtrmstsuodfyacparsoetototyfpuer.ther improve the circuit reliability. The theoretical analysis was well supported by the test waveforms of a prototype. Author Contributions: B.-R.L. designed the project and was responsible for writing ...
gIeno[r30th] ea rmevoedrisfiibelde vveorlstaiogne coofrtrheespeoqnudastitoontohfe tphoistevnotilatal gaet tdhreopouitsppurtepseonrtteodf wtahhytieetdhrFrmoCagtwteheniart,mthrcenostohnp-aselitcodtacievdoren.slIstynih.de[e3tr0es]mathpmeerotaedtmuifripeeed,rPavOte2urarsenio,dnPPOoHf22taahn...
Open loop sFtigruurcet7u.rOepoenf tlohoep pstrruocptuorseeodf thceonprvoeprotseedr.converter. 3.2. Components Sel3e.c2t.iConomponents Selection Based on the above mathematical model, we can find out the relevant parameters with Based on the tahbeomvaethmemaatthicealmtoaotlsic"aMl amthCodA...
s(taa)nCdbhyarmgiondge amnoddreecahnadrgsintagnmdobdyem; (dod) de;is(cbh)ardgeintagilms oodf et.he inductor current during charging mode; (c) standby mode and recharging mode; (d) discharging mode. 5. Conclusions An improved-control approach for the parallel HTEC, based on the BBBC ...
bInettwhiesecnasteh, ethemreealastuivreede/rersotri,mevaateludatveadlubeetswaenedn nthoemmineaasl/urreeadl /veasltuimesa,tiesdlovwalueresthaannd 3n%omainndal/threeaml vinaliumeus,mis elostwimerattheadnd3e%teactnidonthreesmoilnuitmiounminestetirmmasteodf tdheeteRctHio%n rveasoriluattiioonn ...