2. Online XLSM to XLS Converter ASPOSE offers an online XLSM to XLS online converter for free. You can use the tool from any device you want. It has a drag and drop format when it comes to file conversion. You can use this Excel conversion tool for free. With this, you will be abl...
XLS vs XLSX: NameXLSXLSX Full nameMicrosoft Excel Binary File FormatOffice Open XML Document File extension.xls.xlsx, .xlsm MIMEapplication/vnd.ms-excelapplication/vnd.-openxmlformats-officedocument.-spreadsheetml.-sheet Developed byMicrosoftMicrosoft ...
支持批量将XLSM转换为XLS文件格式 支持批量将XLSB转换为XLS文件格式 软件特色 提供多个快捷按钮,使得文件转换更加方便 可自由调整XLSX文件的转换顺序 一键转换,简单几步即可一键将XLSX文件进行转换 文件添加后,可查看文件格式以及文件所在路径 可自定义设置输出目录,便于保存转换后的文件 ...
Supports to choose the entire folder to convert. Supports to combine each sheet content of Excel XLS to single XLSX,XLSM format file. Supports to choose the storage path. Supports to automatically open the output folder after converted. Supports saving output files in the same folder as source ...
批量将XLSB转换为XLSM。 批量将XLSM转换为XLSB。 批量将XLSB转换为XLSX。 批量将XLSM转换为XLSX。 软件特色 Excel文件版本转换 将XLS转换为XLSX是一种轻量级的软件实用程序,旨在为您提供将XLS文件转换为XLSB,XLSM或XLSX格式的方法。它支持批处理和最新的Excel格式。此外,根据您的需求或硬盘空间限制,您可以将XLSB转换...
It is a powerful and easy-to-use Excel converter that is designed to batch convert Excel (including XLS,XLSX,XLSM) to DOC,DOCX,DOCM,RTF with accurately retaining the original document quality.
XLS Microsoft Office Excel 2003和更早版本的主要電子表格格式。 XLSM 類似XLSX,但具有宏支持。 XLSB 類似XLSM, 但以二進制格式而非XML格式保存。 XLTM 工作簿模板格式,替代舊的XLT格式。 ODS 開放文檔格式中的電子表格格式。 CSV 逗號分隔值格式是一種廣泛使用的文本檔案格式,通常用於在應用程式之間交換數...
On the contrary, you can use the same steps to convert XLS to XLSM. #3 Take Advantage of XLSX to XLS Converter Another way to shift between file formats XLSX and XLS is to make use of a third-party tool or service. There are many such kind of online websites that can help you qui...
Ailt XLSX XLSM to XLS Converter 6.7 Download 62Ailtware,Inc.45Shareware Batch convert Excel 2007-2010 format files to Excel 97-2003 format file. Excel Repair Tool Free 1.0 Download 10Recovery Toolbox, Inc.33Freeware Excel Repair Tool Free allows you to recover your Excel data and files fast....
SR2到PDF, 在線轉換器 - 轉換視頻、音頻、圖像、PDF - OnlineConvert.Com, 使用此免費且快速的在線轉換器將 Pdf、圖像、視頻、文檔、音頻等文件在線轉換為其他格式。